Friday, March 18, 2011

Video as an Instructional Media

A video that can be use to show how a frog undergo its life cycle. A video that would explain the process of a frog's life cycle. It is good that through video, learners can see how a frog develops, but it must be explained that in reality it takes time before a tadpole can be an adult frog.

It has something to do with Distance Education

reference: Basic Speech for You and Me, Grade 5

OnLine Learning Activity-- Evaluation

I found the site very informative. It is good that it has so many link, that the learner can navigate on to. The home page mirrors what the user can do on that website. It is also very much pleasing especially for the kids who will visit the page. You can also do quizzes, challenges and some activities about social studies. I also saw some maps wherein you have to identify the correct cities of a certain country, with that it is considered to be very interactive. I could see that most of the information on that site is also reliable for it includes some authors or references where they got the info. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Motivate our students :)

January 21, 2011

A teacher must know how to motivate his/her students, there different instructional methods must be applied that will suit their instructional plans. With that we were tasked to present different methods that are usually applied in classroom setting. With this way of presenting the pros and cons of using these methods I learned the best method to use when we have a huge class and even small classes. Like demonstration, it is not advisable to use it in large classes for the demonstration won't be visible for all students, but it may aid in step by step procedure. When it comes to engaging the class an instrucional game may do, it is just that sometimes it is time consuming and the students would want more games that's why their mind would be set on games not on the lesson itself. If time is a problem, then drill andpractice is a good method to use, since there are times it became boring choose way on how to make the practice more exciting. Students would always want to enjoy, therefore active engagement could be done live discovery wherein you let your students to develop creativity as well. In doing this, th eteacher must know the solution and students would have information overload--sometimes would also lead to information overload. 

The Role of Instructional Media

January 7, 2011

Being enrolled in EdTech 101 of course we have to be aware of the different media that we're using. Therefore, we have to know how to choose appropriate Instructional Media. First thing that we have to consider in selecting media is practicality, there are some situations that the use of instructional media couldn't be use in some schools because they lack some facilites. With that reason it becomes a hindrance for us to be able to use Instructional Media. Next is the appropriateness in relation to learner's characteristics, we can't just let the pupils be expose with different kinds of media without taking into consideration your learners' behaviors. Using instructional media must also match the activity that the class will be doing and lastly to match the objective. A teacher won't just let his/her students to watch a film just for them to enjoy and not prioritize the objectives to be done.

We must also know how to develop assessment tools and for this to be valid it must be able to measure what it intends to measure. The objectives serves as the basis upon which to develop the assessment tool.Lastly conditions involved in the assessment tool match the conditions specified in the objectives. Therefre un making IPs we must be coherent so that all the activities, objectives and intructional media will be appropriate and efficient in teaching.

Instructional Plans

January 5, 2011

As we go along, we are taught on how to make Instructional Plans. I realized so many things. In making objectives we just don't place behaviors which are not measurable. It is important to have an effective IP so that a teacher will lessen having so much differences of teaching if he/she has 5 classes in a day. Therefore a teacher must have a very clear Instructional Plan and bear in mind that the star of the class are his/her students not the teacher itself.

An effective Instruction

December 10, 2010

We discussed so many theories which are to be considered especially in making instructions.According to Robert Giger and walter Dids, an effective instruction is that it enables students to acquire specified skills, knowledge and attitudes. It also lets the students to enjoy. It is determined on the basis of data and information that are gathered and documented. In foing instructional plans we assured that the point of view is fr the learners! We have to analyze our learners to give them an effective instruction. There are also four components in an objective these are the Audience, Behavior, Condition, and the Degree.